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In trying to keep health care simple and digestable enough to be able to follow developments in politics on a regular basis I decided it is easier to digest with an overview tabulation of established facts. First of all there is no unity for the common good there is only the vicious fight for party rule. Second is the realization that we have actually at least two easily identified public options which are the Veterans Administration and Medicare. Future growth could be the inclusion of all veterans and families in the VA not limited to career military and wounded but all that have served. This would also boost enlistment for the all volunteer military that we now have. Medicare is assigned to expand to include more age groups below the age of 65 to perhaps 55 and perhaps even younger folks. The idea being that more competition in the marketplace with insurance companies would send cost down. Especially if the two public option are taking clients at ages that have the most illnesses. Bill Clinton did not get a Health Care bill passed because the bill did not clear a required complicated process to pass a budget status within the political arena. President Clinton's Bill was blocked due to its political vulnerability. An oversite that was caused by thinking that this Bill is for the common good of the American people and ounce explained it would be rushed through. Needless to say its vulnerability was siezed upon and killed in its tracks. However at this time the Omama Bill has already been passed through the budget requirement and only needs to be voted upon. I think the fact that its already passed allows the Bill to only need a majority vote and not the usual two thirds vote. This could really be something for the people. Health care really should be a right along with police protection and education of our children. That should be for everyone from sea to shinning sea. Immigration problems and naturalization problems and homeless problems should be dealt within their own domain and not used to form policy of a nation that is always sending troops to protect the fragile interest of the oppressed in other countries. Many are oppressed here at home.
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