Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Newly elected Senator Brown of Massachusetts with boastfull pride said he was going to burst the bubble of the Obama heath reform efforts. Brown's own state has its own complete health care program deemed to be very similar to Obama's but only on a state level. Now I can see that as a team player for the Republican party that piling on the bandwagon against national health care is part of party loalty. Let us take a step back and look at the fact that here is a man with similar health care in his own state but wants to be aganist it for everyone else. Being a Republican should not be the same as being a Red Sox fan. Obama has a bi partisan Cabinet of 13 members and Hilary is doing a matter of fact job that McCain would not likely do much different. So a neutral partisan Cabinet is evidence of wanting to get work done. Bush complained of a Do Nothing Congress while in office and closed with a huge amount of debt. Brown as a new member of the Senate is fresh enough to not fall into revenge politics and be bright and positive.


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