Monday, February 23, 2009


This Meme is from Maryann

1. I give you money and send you into the grocery store to pick up 5 items. You can only pick one thing from the following departments. What do you choose?
Produce: Mixed salad ready for dressing
Frozen: Skinless boneless chicken breasts
Dairy: Milk
Meat: Pork chops for the grill
Canned goods: Spinach; love creamed spinach

2. Let's say you're heading out for a weekend getaway. You're only allowed to bring 3 articles of clothing with you. So, what's in your bag?
George Foreman expanding waistline trousers
T shirt with a collar
Adidas open toe pool shoes

3. If I were to listen in on one of your conversations throughout the day, what 4 phrases or words would I be most likely to hear?
Gas grill
Patio stones
Lay'em faster
Hurry up

4. So, what 4 things do you find yourself doing every single day, and if you didn't get to do them, you probably wouldn't be in the best mood?
Check the latest news
Hug family members
Tell the youngest when I want the car
Complain to the youngest there is no gas in the car; resulting in my paying cause he is the grill cook

5. You're driving down the road, and suddenly you're hit with this sense of road rage. What 3 factors probably contributed to it?
The moron was a dumbass
The obvious idiot got his license at the local stop and shop
The fool didn't like the particular shade of green being displayed

6. You just scored a whole afternoon to yourself. We're talking a 3 hour block with nobody around. What 5 activities might we find you doing?
Watch the News
Work on projects in the shop
Run model railroad

7. We're going to the zoo. But, it looks like it could start storming, so it'll have to be a quick visit. What 3 exhibits do we have to get to?

8. You just scored tickets to the taping of any television show of your choice. You can pick 4, so what are you going to see?
Jay Leno
Saturday Night Live
Meet The Press
Larry King

9. You're hungry for ice cream. I'll give you a triple dipper ice cream cone. What 3 flavors can I pile on for ya?

10. Somebody stole your purse/wallet. In order to get it back, you have to name 5 things you know are inside to claim it.
Membership to Balley health and Fitness
Voter ID
Drivers License
Library card
Reciept from Borders book store

11. You are at a job fair, and are asked in what areas you are interested in pursuing a career. Let's pretend you have every talent and ability to be whatever you wanted, so what 4 careers would be fun for you?
Self employed renovator of houses
Life guard

12. If you could go back and talk to the old you, when you were in high school, and inform yourself of 4 things, what would you say?
Study harder
Read more leisurely
Stay in Scouts
Play sport

Monday, February 09, 2009

Need for Stimulus

A question arises as to the need for continuous spending. ie...If President Bush spent so much money to get us into this problem, why is it that more spending will get us out of this problem?
The resultant theory is that inflation was in a downward spiral under President Bush. However, with a war time economy in place government spending cannot be controlled to maximise economic efficiency. Government spending pushed the US into a recession. The federal funds rate is at less than 1 percent. Traditional methods of controlling inflation is the increase of interest rates. No matter what the various expenditures were, so much money was in circulation that inflation was totally halted and even reversed. Federal funds dropped to compensate a recession. With federal funds unable to go any lower we are at risk of entering deflation. During deflation, business that hold onto hard currency benefit the most and that is a part of the reason banks are not lending. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernake said in 2002 that sufficient spending always reverses deflation. During deflation the purchasing power of each dollar rises because prices are falling. However, falling prices makes it difficult to make payroll. So the dollar does purchase more, but less dollars are earned due to an increase in unemployment. Inflation is easier to control than deflation due to the effects of increasing interest rates. Deflation is controlled with large amounts of government spending because the unemployment rate and benefits of keeping cash and not lending it force government to resort to "stimulus" spending. Its the textbook response to take when federal funds can go no lower. What may sound like "more of the same" is actually an appropreate textbook response to a totally different part of the economic cycle at hand.